Dating Notes Big tech has made online dating a bidding war for sex, free dinners and money. In New York City and the San Francisco Bay Area, all of the guys you are competing against make over $160,000.00 per year, have excellent condo's, BMW's and take girls to $100.+/per ticket shows. If you can't compete with that then your entire online dating experience will consist of feeding one girl after another free food and then never hearing from them again. All of the women in those areas have big fake boobs, cow fat injected lips, visible abs and deep, insectoid eyebrows, dark spray tans and they WILL do anal, if you can't compete with that then you are stuck dating used car salesmen who might take you to Denny's. Big tech guys will dump you four weeks later because you are "old news" and they can get 100,000 other Instagram hookers and nasty girls on any time they want to.